2025 Sponsorship Opportunities

We Can Help You Showcase Your Product
This year, PANC is celebrating 28 years of service to Northern California Parkinson's community! We have numerous opportunities available for organizations wanting to build personal relationships with those in the Parkinson’s community including people with Parkinson's, their care partners, and the medical community at large. We are eager to explore how we can best support your company's goals and objectives.
Partnership with affiliated companies like yours makes it possible for PANC to provide education, information, motivation, and invaluable fellowship to those dealing with PD throughout Northern California. As you know, Parkinson’s is the fastest growing neurological disease in the world which presents us with a clear mandate to do more, for more. We can't change outcomes, but together we can provide tools and resource for lighter PD journeys.
Our Team.
2025 Sponsorship Opportunities
2025 Annual Education Conference
October 18
Roseville, CA
Sponsorship titles are Presenting ($15,000), Platinum ($6,000), Gold ($3,000),
and Silver ($2,000)
Our popular and unique hybrid event is a superior community outreach opportunity. We registered 821 attendees in 2024, and participation grows annually. Our all-day educational conference includes numerous speakers, panel discussions, movement breaks, exhibit tables, food, networking etc. We received 100% satisfaction scores from company survey responses from the 2024 conference.
Benefits may include:
Company name and/or logo highlighted on event promotional materials, event webpages, in the slide deck and event script, in attendee confirmation, both newsletters, on signage at the event, etc.
8’ display table from (8 am to 3 pm) with ample time to interact with attendees throughout the day.
Conference registrations, lunch, and snacks.
Quarterly Journal Club Dinner Event
Sacramento, CA
Sponsorship of this event is $4,000
Dates available starting in 2025
Highly valued invitation-only discussion gathering and dinner for approximately 25-30 of Sacramento region's Parkinson’s specialists including movement disorder physicians, neurologists, neurosurgeons, nurse practitioners, social workers, and mental health professionals from the the major health systems (Kaiser Permanente, Dignity/Mercy, Sutter, UC Davis, and VA). One sponsor per event.
Benefits of sponsorship include:
Company highlighted on all promotional information and confirmation materials for the event.
• 6’ table display included for materials with ample time to interact with attendees before and during the program.
• Attendance and dinner for up to two company representatives.
Walk to Cancel Out Parkinson's
April 5
Roseville, CA
Sponsorship titles are Captain ($2,500), Sergeant ($1,000)
and Deputy ($500)
The Annual Cancel Out Parkinson’s (“COP Walk”) is hosted by the Sacramento Embarcadero Lions Club and supported by 50 Lions Clubs throughout NorCal. 100% of the proceeds are donated to PANC. Hosted at Maidu Regional Park in Roseville, CA. 501 individuals participated in the 2024 walk.
Benefits of sponsorship include:
Company highlighted on all event promotional materials including the PANC and COP Walk website and on the official COP Walk t-shirt.
8’ tented display table included with ample time to interact with the attendees throughout the festivities.
Attendance and lunch for up to two company representatives.
2025 Support Group Facilitator's Workshop
May 3
Location TBD
Sponsorship of this event is $1,000
Annual PANC gathering of our Support Group facilitators and leaders to exchange fellowship, education, share concerns, and ideas of best practices for support group management. Approximately 50 dedicated volunteers from across Northern California attend this popular event.
Benefits of sponsorship include:
Company highlighted on all promotional materials for the workshop, on the PANC website and in our Parkinson Path and Update newsletters.
• 8’ display table included (9 am to 3 pm) and ample time to engage with participants.
• Attendance, breakfast, and lunch for up to two company representatives.
Annual Website Sponsor
Sponsorship of this opportunity is $1,000
Limited to 8 sponsors
PANC's website is a source of information for those who find our site in search of support groups, services, and resources about Parkinson's disease. Your brand will be seen by hundreds of visitors each year.
Benefits of sponsorship include:
Your logo, company name, and a link to your website prominently displayed on the PANC home page and other pages including, Get Involved, Services, and About us.
Parkinson Path Newsletter
Quarterly PD Journal
Sponsorship is $1,000 per issue
Publication schedule available upon request
8-12 page full-color magazine-style publication mailed to approximately 2,400 addresses and emailed and opened by another 1,700 individuals including PD patients and their caregivers, PANC donors, medical staff and more.
Benefits of sponsorship include:
½ page for an educational article including your logo directed to people with Parkinson’s and their care partners. (Articles are subject to review by the Parkinson Path editorial team.)
E-Newsletter "Ad"
Sponsorship is $500 per issue
First come-first served and one per month
Our interactive e-newsletter includes articles, resources, and event/donation opportunities. E-mailed to approximately 3,300 individuals on the PANC e-distribution list with a 56% average open rate.
Benefits of sponsorship include:
A 250-word informational “article” which can include two clickable links and a photo or logo. (Articles are subject to review by the PANC Executive Committee.)