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​Contact information
Rebuilding Together
P.O. Box 255584
Sacramento, CA 95825
E-mail Phone: 916-455-1880

Rebuilding Together is a leading national nonprofit in safe and healthy housing with more than 40 years of experience. It is a volunteer organization and funded by a variety of private and county resources.
​In support of improved home health safety for people with Parkinson's, PANC offers monetary subsidies for the installation of approved health and safety items. This program is provided exclusively by Rebuilding Together and currently is available only to Sacramento residents.
To receive a PANC subsidy for retrofitting in your home, please review the following details:
Individuals may apply to PANC for Rebuilding Together support one time per each 12 month period
Applicants must provide a physician’s note to PANC stating the individual has PD
Applicants must reside in Sacramento County
Applicant must be able to assist with communications and meetings with Rebuilding Together
PANC will notify the applicant and Rebuilding Together of the approval of eligibility
The PD individual (or carepartner) will work directly with Rebuilding Together to arrange for an in-home assessment and subsequent services
Rebuilding Together will provide the services (poles, grab bars, etc.) up to $100. If the amount of the service exceeds the value of the PANC subsidy, Rebuilding Together will make outside arrangements with the client
Rebuilding invoices PANC for the cost of services agreed upon by home owner and PANC
The Rebuilding Together subsidy value must be utilized within six months of approval